Blow My Mind

You blow
my mind

a gatling gun
to the head

You blow
my mind

a hurricane

It whips
and scars
and mars

You blow
My mind

For fun


as I whimper

and plead
as I lay

Blood withdraws
Veins restrict

To your
absence of love

A vagal response
to the artery

by your words


you blow my mind
every time

you insist

I swallow
the lump

Of sorrow
and pain

Of guilt
and desire


I cannot

These shackles
run deep
beneath my skin

Akin to
a slave

I live to obey

You blow my mind

It hits
its mark

The spark

Is out

Automatic #3

Surreal.  Seattle, going away in life.  Crystal semi phosphorous.  Forensic.  Natural, telepathy.  Congruent shades of wisdom.  Asymptotic symptoms.  A virus, addiction forewarned.  Created into nothing.  How diplomatic.  Tactful beyond reason.  Green tree frogs leaping in despair through a holographic universe.  Intuition of woolly mammoths.  Recite the poems.  Tongue twisted.  A metaphor until dark.  Hopefulness closing into reality.  Reduce reality to probability.  Too little, too long.  Too big, and too wrong.  Rationalize into a shallow meaning.


Stretch my arms
Open the box

Feel blue
pixelated wind

Through my
tie-dyed mind

the voice inside

Rainbow of thought


Spider web

Then it said

Have it your way
Just do it

Find yourself here
You can

Try it
you’ll like it

It’s the real thing

Make yourself heard


I point
the IR

and press



I stand flat footed and wonder

Wonder as I look

Look up

Up top where my future exists

Exists in a way I can’t imagine

Imagine short gnarled pines, still standing

Standing in silky blowing grass

Grass at my feet

Feet I question if can carry

Carry this body

Body driven by a tired mind

Mind searching for remedy

Remedy in hope


Hope ignites a tired mind

Mind drives this body

Body moved by unquestionable feet

Feet, gnarled, still standing

Standing in blowing grass as I imagine

Imagine as I look

Look down

Down where I used to exist

Cracks in Clarity

IMG_2943 - Version 2

I can’t

that moment

the perfect


white capped swells
rise with the tide
my mind

surge between
in clarity

Currents of


in lyrics

my veins

the pain
and pleasure

perhaps real
or wicked

into reality

I let go

I write

No longer

now said
and read


Ocean Entendre

Cannon Beach 2009

I long
to see

Her shining face

Her smile
her look

into me

I long
to feel

Her touch
over me

To know

The sound of
her voice


I dare

to dream

to visit

without her

I stand
on her sands

and wish
and wonder

if one day

I’ll be part of her

and roll


and lull

who dwell
as I do

Favorite Hemingway Quote

From things that have happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know and all those you cannot know, you make something through your invention that is not a representation but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive, and you make it alive, and if you make it well enough, you give it immortality. That is why you write and for no other reason that you know of. But what about all the reasons that no one knows?

  – Ernest Hemingway

Bird Kill

I lined my sites against the scrawny-feathered chest. The heat radiated off the blued steel barrel as my eyes watered in the icy breeze.  I blinked constantly, each time readjusting my aim.  My target, at some twenty yards away, looked like a fluffy gray ball against the white snow.

Sparrows huddled together at the end of the driveway in one of the tire tracks where the gravel sprang up from beneath the dirty brown snow.

I took a deep breath, and let it out.  The end of the barrel rose and fell to relax on my target.  I did this three times to exact my pattern.  I let out the final breath and pulled the trigger.  The gun popped and jerked slightly beneath my chin.  I felt the force of my ten pumps unfurl behind the BB, propelling it out at five hundred ninety-five feet per second.

I felt satisfied in that split second. I controlled the situation with my prowess and a perfectly executed plan.  I had power.

And then it hit.

The quiet flurry of little wings broke the stillness.  The birds rose and scattered in the air as nature had intended, a defensive maneuver to save the greatest number and sacrifice the smallest.  I watched them fly away, except for one.  It didn’t move at the end of the driveway.

I jumped down the three cement porch steps and crossed the snow-covered lawn, my frozen white tundra.  I carried my gun at the ready, alert to any movement.  The air stood still, my breath froze in front of my face.  I watched my target.  It didn’t move.  It should hear me now, I thought.  My feet crushed through the ice as I stepped.

A movement in the air above suddenly caught my eye.  I stopped, as a hunter should, to alert myself in full to my surroundings.  Another bird, evidently one which earlier flew away at the sound of my muzzle, glided back to the bare tire track.  It scurried a few steps and stopped just short of the other bird, the one that didn’t fly.

I stood silent.  I could not move.  A voice in my head shouted, “Bingo, a two for one!”  But I still could not move.

The bird tilted its head, seemingly to look at the other at its feet.  It jerked its head up.  It looked at me.  And then it looked into the sky, but only for a moment.  And then back at me.

It stayed only briefly, and then flew away.  I don’t know why the thought of never seeing that bird again bothered me so much.

I continued my trek to the end of the driveway.  On either side, a snow filled ditch gave evidence to how much had fallen the two nights before.  I knew I would sink to my crotch if I slipped off the edge.

I approached carefully.  I owned the moment.  I owned the bird.  With the gun lowered to my side I used the tip of my boot to nudge it.  It fell sideways.  It’s soft down feathers, still fluffed around its body, blew in the arctic breeze.

I watched it lay there.  A bitter cold ran down my spine and paralyzed my legs and arms.

At that moment I forgot the biting cold.  I felt cheated.  I had done what I had known, acted as I should have.  I’d watched the hunters in the field across the street walk in lines to scare up pheasant.  I’d listened to the other kids brag of going along and watching their fathers seek out the quail and even doves.

But no one told me I’d feel like this.  I was sorry.  I claimed life as if it were mine all along, yet it never belonged to me.

I looked around.   I looked at the trees and the field, both empty, both dead from winter.  I looked back at my house where I knew my mother and brother were safe and warm.  Smoke rose from the chimney.  I wondered what my father would have thought.  I wished he were here.

I looked back at the tree across the street.  High in the branches huddled a twisted brown nest.  Last summer I had tried to climb the tree and return a baby bird I found fluttering on the ground.  I couldn’t reach it so I brought the bird home.  It lived another day.  My mother had said I had tried my best.  She had told me how proud I made her.

I looked down again.  The bird’s little black eyes stared forward.  I couldn’t tell if they looked at me.

I crouched and touched the back of the bird’s head.  It wobbled back and forth against the pressure.  Its eyes seemed to suspend the life it had just a few minutes ago.  I remembered, years ago, the lonely tears in my mother’s eyes after my father had died.

Maybe it’s just stunned, I thought.  I rolled it over to expose its chest.  A small spot of blood just off center to its left confirmed my aim.  The two hours I’d spent the day before, to adjust the sights, to oil the barrel and hinges and compression chamber, was the only price I’d paid for this moment.  I owed more.

I wondered if the bird knew of the good I’d done, about the baby bird I’d tried to save.  I guess it didn’t matter anymore, I thought.  I felt alone.

I looked around for a clue of what to do next.  I could think only of burying it like I had done my dog when he died.  Snow covered the frozen ground.  Even if I found earth it would be too hard to dig a hole.  I remembered the ditch.  The snow was deep enough to stay for a while and cover the sparrow properly.  It was my only option.

I dug a hole as deep as my arms extended.

My throat clenched tight yet seemed hollow like holding captive a moth inside my fist.  I tried to swallow the tears but one escaped.  It ran down my cheek before I could sop it up with my knitted glove.

I picked up the limp sparrow and laid it gently in the hole.  I stood and stared into the eyes at the bottom of that cold grave.  Then I forced myself to push the piled snow back into the hole with my boot until it filled.  I broke two of the straightest twigs from a nearby bush and laid them across each other on the mound to form a rough cross.  I knew I’d never see it again.


Ten years later I stood, listening to the birds in the trees surrounding the small grassy clearing, and looked down at the brown granite headstone.  Engraved in the center, below the words “Husband and Father” was a proud buck.  It stood, carved deep in the metal plate, with antlers forked like branches from a tree.  I remembered my mother telling me hunting was his favorite sport.

Automatic #2

Blocked and locked.  Emotionally constipated.  New boots by the fireside.  Mount, rush, more.  Anticipation angrily exerpts.  Come on now.  Who knows.  Geckos, seminoles and weed eaters.  Hilarious mocking birds get cloned.  Tomorrow seems forever in the eyes of a goat.  Bucknife and toothpicks.  Popsicles.  Chocolate covered cherry wood.  Stains in the fabric.  Seep through the mind.  This empty black hole.  Empty in the heart goes without saying.  To say is to say.  What else?  To do is to prove.  Onward and inward.  Linear regression of thought and emotion.  Linear repression, linear digression, linear depression.  A straight line to where?  The constant path of the least resistance builds no character, but fake values and misguided rules.

my Hidden Camera

If I had a hidden camera
I’d want it to see

talks between
you and me

If I can analyze
what you said
how you acted
maybe I’d

Lost in

Or tell the future
by looking past

If I had a hidden camera
I’d see my mistakes

I can
change what I said
change how I acted

or change
my drink
to something harder

If I had a hidden camera
I’d zoom


If I had a hidden camera
no matter

I can’t change you

A Lesson in Almost Drowning

The apartment we lived in had an in-ground swimming pool.  I was 3, maybe 4 years old.  I played too close to the edge one day.  I dared the water.  I knew better.  I fell in and the water sucked me up, softly.  It suspended my fall somewhere between daylight and the off-white bottom where the boomerang shaped reflection of the waves bounced against each other.   My cousins splashed at the other end of the pool.  I opened my eyes and saw their legs dangled below the blow-up rings they floated in, and the gray bubbles race quickly down with their arms beneath the surface as they splashed.  I watched the bubbles race each other back up to where they belonged.  I saw three stairs leading to the glistening light.  Too far.

I remembered my oldest cousin and the submarine game he liked to play.  He’d swim just under the surface and hold his hand above the water.  To signal the next submergence, he’d hold up three fingers, then two, then one.  And down he would go, into the depths of the sea.  So, it’s what I did.  I sank slowly.  Three fingers.  I feared I wouldn’t have enough time for both the two and then one, so I sped up.  Two fingers.  My hand was almost completely under.  One finger.

Water rush into my nose and down my throat.  I closed my eyes.  A tightness closed around my arms.  My body heaved, pressured against the water, and rushed back into daylight.  I choked for air.  The pungent taste of chorine filled my mouth as the water spewed from inside.  I looked up.  My father held me.  I coughed and choked.  He wore a white and brown plaid short-sleeved camp shirt.  It looked two-toned because the bottom half was soaked and the top half dry.  His brown slacks dripped.  I coughed.  I felt embarrassed; it was my fault his clothes were wet.

True story.